Front-End Services

FE Services
For over 27 years, Elinext front-end developers have been creating responsive, appealing, well-structured, and performative web and mobile applications for customers operating across different industrial sectors. Backed by hundreds of completed projects and no less satisfied clients, we have earned a reputation of a reliable front-end development company.
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Front-End Development Services at Elinext
Taking advantage of the latest versions of JavaScript frameworks and libraries like Angular, React JS, Vue.JS, etc., Elinext front-end developers work on projects of different size and complexity. Being a full-cycle front-end development services company, we offer:
Front-End Web Development
Development of Mobile Interfaces
Re-Coding and Optimization
Website Redesign
Front-End QA and Testing
Front-End Web Development
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Build a powerful website appreciated by users with front-end web development services we offer. Based on the latest industry trends, Elinext front-end developers create user-friendly web applications tailored to the business goals of our clients. When turning design ideas into reality via code, we take advantage of both our coding expertise and passion for aesthetic interfaces to deliver valuable solutions that contribute to positive user experience on the web.

Development of Mobile Interfaces
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With front-end mobile development services offered by Elinext, you ensure your app is consistent with the present-day trends. Paying attention to every detail, our mobile front-end developers create compelling UIs with the functional copy elements contributing to positive UX. Mobile interfaces created by Elinext are known for having a high level of legibility, clear visual hierarchy, simplicity of tones, responsive design, and mindfully prioritized content — everything expected from a modern and effective mobile UI.

Re-Coding and Optimization
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Fine-tune your website to make it more browser-friendly and quicker to load with re-coding and optimization services offered by Elinext. By focusing on file compression, cache optimization, code minification, and image optimization, we improve performance metrics, lower bounce rates, and ensure higher conversions. Whatever is required to make your website perform smoothly and offer a pleasant user experience — we have got you covered.

Website Redesign
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Convert more customers with redesign services offered by Elinext teams. Knowing about the impact of a well-designed interface on the increase in conversion rates and the success of the overall digital business strategy of our clients, we offer full-cycle website redesign services that help our clients in getting responsive designs, capturing both web and mobile audience, increasing visitor engagement, and taking crucial steps towards better content personalization.

Front-End QA and Testing
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Ensure the front-end of your website is defect-free with QA & Testing services offered by Elinext. As a front-end development company with more than 20 years of experience, we write dozens of lines of HTML/CSS every month, checking the outcome each time, and eliminating such subtle errors as minor CSS changes, changes to JS files, performance regressions and so on.

Benefits of Front-End Development to Business
Partner with a Go-To CRM Development Company

Because exactly front-end appeals directly to users' aesthetic senses and passion for convenience, investments in front-end services are crucial for businesses willing to attract and retain more customers. Here are the key pros for developing a front-end side of any business application:

Front-end ensure optimized performance for both web and mobile applications.
With design and graphics that reflect the essence of your business, front-end allows answering the preemptive visitor questions, increasing the level of user satisfaction.
Well-structured, clean, and well-planned application’s layout that goes hand in hand with quality graphics enables intuitive navigation, ensuring visitors will always find what they are looking for.
Quality front-end instils trust and confidence in your brand, opening up opportunities for increased traffic and improved conversion rates.
Case studies
Case studies
Out front-end engineers utilize the best technologies and practices. That allows creating well-designed sophisticated client-side programming solutions that are presented below.
Streamlining Port Operations: Real-Time HMI Management and Alarms Reflection for Straddle Carriers and Ship-to-Shore Cranes

Elinext has created a system to improve the efficiency of port operations through real-time control and alarm reporting for scraper and shore cranes.

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Elinext. Leave Management

Elinext has developed a back-end web application to manage vacation, sick days and days off.

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Elinext. Payroll Management

Elinext developed Payroll Management, a web-based application that is primarily used to manage premium applications for our company's employees.

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Elinext. Notification Management

With Notification Management Solution, managing group communications becomes effortless. Administrators can moderate access, manage requests, and control membership, while users enjoy the flexibility to explore, subscribe, and engage with various groups effortlessly.

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Elinext. Inventory Management

Our Inventory Manager offers a seamless solution for tracking equipment, managing licenses, and optimizing workflows. Boost productivity, reduce manual efforts, and stay ahead in the fast-paced world of asset management.

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Elinext. CRM

Discover EliCRM: Our Comprehensive Solution for Efficient Sales Management. Track leads, manage clients, and optimize business outcomes with ease.

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Elinext. Corporate Holiday Calendar

Optimize Team Efficiency. Explore how our calendar tool ensures accurate planning for every team member, regardless of location.

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Elinext. Learning Management System

Simplify Learning, Maximize Results: Meet Elinext LMS! From user-friendly interfaces to detailed analytics, discover the ultimate solution for internal education. Learn more!

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Elinext. Invoice Management System

Introducing our Payment Tracker, an integral part of our internal web system. This tool not only tracks payments and manages contracts but also prioritizes the security of your sensitive financial data. Elinext addresses the challenge of maintaining accurate exchange rates and offers a unified system to streamline your financial operations securely.

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UI Development for Insurance Fulfillment Solutions

Elinext's project management, QA, and development teams collaborated to create a flexible UI for insurance fulfillment solutions. With 168 releases annually, our modern interface adheres to accessibility and security standards.

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