Node.Js Development

Use our Node.js development services to build a fast, load-resilient web product.
Since 2017, we’ve been building diverse solutions based on Node.js for organizations from different industries, and our pool of developers is ready to pick from for your project.
Why Node.Js
Node.js is a great choice for businesses that want to experiment and grow. It allows you to put together an early product and try out new features quickly. Here’s more detail:
Parallel Execution
Fast MVP
Easy Collaboration
High-Load Capacity
Parallel Execution
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In Node.js, different processes run in an asynchronous manner.
This allows an application backend to process more user requests per second than what other server technologies allow for.

Fast MVP
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Node.js enables developers to build minimum viable products (MVP) quickly.
The Node.js ecosystem provides preset packages of basic features, so you don't need to develop those features from scratch.
Skip the basics and focus on your business logic.

Easy Collaboration
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It's easy for backend and frontend developers to work together because Node.js uses the same language, JavaScript, on both sides.

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Node.js runs on Google's V8 engine. The engine optimizes and compiles JavaScript into machine code instead of interpreting it or executing it as bytecode. This makes Node.js really fast.

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In 2015, companies like IBM, Microsoft, PayPal, Fidelity and SAP joined forces to form the Node.js Foundation. As an independent organization, it helps develop Node.js further.

The technology powers many successful businesses and organizations, including Netflix, NASA, PayPal, Medium, Uber and eBay.

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V8 has always remained relevant, thanks to heavy investment from Google. New versions are released several times a month and announced on a Twitter account followed by over 59,000 people.

High-Load Capacity
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When processing load surges, Node.js will allow you to use third-party C++ modules. This is crucial to ensure uninterrupted operation for your software at all times.

Our Node.Js Development Services

Whether you need to build a solution from scratch, scale software or fix something, Elinext is ready to help. We provide full-cycle Node.js development services.
/ 01.
Backend API Development
/ 02.
Quality Assurance
/ 03.
Cloud Integration
/ 04.
Team Augmentation
/ 05.
Server-Side Rendering Web App Development
Backend API Development
Elinext can build a stable API for your web solution. We will design the API architecture and cherry-pick technologies for your specific needs.
Quality Assurance
Our QA team can run your Node.js project through the toughest and most complex tests. We will check how stable, fast and secure your software is.
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Cloud Integration
We can integrate your Node.js project with cloud services like AWS, Azure and Google Cloud. This will help you uncover your software's full potential, saving hours of development and hundreds of dollars.
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Team Augmentation
Elinext can provide all levels of Node.js specialists to bolster your development team.
Server-Side Rendering Web App Development
We build web solutions that are fast, secure and optimized for search engines. Our developers use technologies supporting server-side rendering like Next.js, Angular Universal and Vue SSR.
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Technology We Use

As a developer with 25 years of experience, Elinext works with a full range of technologies related to Node.js. You can rely on us for every part of your project, from server infrastructure to document management.
/ 01.
Frameworks - Express, KOA, Nest.js
/ 02.
Languages - JavaScript, TypeScript
/ 03.
Server-Side Rendering - Next.js, Angular Universal, Vue SSR, Handlebars and similar template engines
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Authentication - OAuth, JWT, Sessions, SSO
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Data Storage - PostgreSQL, MySQL, MSSQL, SQLite, MongoDB, DynamoDB, Redis, etc.
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ORM/ODM - Mongoose, TypeORM, Sequelize
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Network Communication - HTTP, GraphQL, WebSocket, Server-Sent events, WebRTC, SSL/TLS
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Queues and Event - RabbitMQ, AWS SQS, Apache ActiveMQ, Firebase, Azure Service Bus, Google Cloud Pub/Sub, Redis Pub/Sub
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Documentation - Swagger, OpenAPI, Postman
/ 10.
Payment - Paypal, Stripe, PayNetEasy
Challenges Our Node.js Developers Help You With
Elinext can build software for any purpose or business need. Here are just some of the areas for which our Node.js developers have been able to create stellar products.
Digital Transformation
HR Software
Site Administration
Digital Transformation
/ 01.

We can digitize your internal and external business processes, create a corporate knowledge base online, optimize client relationships and more.

/ 02.

Elinext can help you develop a platform for creating crypto wallets and payments in digital currency.

HR Software
/ 03.

Use our help to automate and improve payroll, recruiting, onboarding, termination procedures and other HR processes.

Site Administration
/ 04.

Our developers can build a software administration panel, enabling you to assign roles, manage content and more.

Case studies
Case studies
Optimizing and Speeding Up Software Development for Pharmaceutical Companies

Elinext team integrated DevOps principles into the software development company that specializes in the pharmaceutical industry, bringing about a transformation in software development, deployment, and security.

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Update of Uk-Based Crypto Digital Bank

Elinext team updated a UK-based crypto digital bank. Check it out!

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Resume Builder and Job Search-Platform for Educational Industry in the USA and Canada

We developed a job search platform for Canada and the US that simplifies the job search process with customizable options.

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B2B Online Payment Platform for an Automotive Business

Elinext helped a major European car manufacturer build an online payment application.

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Global Payroll Management Software

Elinext built a SaaS platform that helps employers remunerate staff abroad.

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Software for Roofing and Solar Paneling Contractors

A Canadian SaaS company partnered with Elinext to develop software for roofing and solar paneling contractors.

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Masternodes Investment Web Platform

Elinext was contacted by German cryptocurrency startup with a business challenge to build a platform that would allow users invest their funds into a pool of Masternodes.

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Online Education Platform

The German company providing educational services came to Elinext to launch a flexible tutoring marketplace where students and coaches could match to each other depending on a number of criteria:subject, experience, price, language, and other.

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Blockchain Solution for a Metals Trading Business

Our engineers concentrated on providing a simple and secure interface for managing private trade agreements. Our clients wanted a solution that supports business logic flows by strengthening security and usability.

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Web Application for ICO Investments and Management

Our client wanted to provide its users with an opportunity to participate in their ICO campaign in a fast and convenient manner. The idea behind the solution wrapped around an efficient and automated web application with an extended admin panel allowing clients to easily manage their investments.

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